by Alan Sponberg, Daniel B. Stevenson, Bernard Faure, Carl Bielefeldt, David W. Chappell, Jr. Robert E. Buswell, Peter N. Gregory
A veritable treasure trove, both demanding and tremendously rewarding. The book is of high scholarly standard, but is clear, precise and a pleasure to read - and is certainly accessible to interested laymen. Traditions of Meditation in Chinese Buddhism is a collection of informative and highly interesting papers written by some of the best American scholars in the field of East Asian Buddhist studies. The volume is significant because most of the information it presents was new or presented in a new light, and one of the book's most marked characteristics is the inner coherence and structure which connects the individual papers. This places meditation in a central position in the history of Chinese Buddhism and thus gives the reader a firm understanding of its importance.
272 Pages, Paperback