Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara (known as Quan Yin in China and Kannon in Japan), is the goddess of mercy, great compassion, kindness and love.
In her hands, Quan Yin may hold a lotus flower or a willow branch to heal illness or fulfill requests, or a vase of the dew of compassion: purifying the defilements of our body, speech and mind, and lengthening life.
One Buddhist legend presents Quan Yin as vowing to never rest until she had freed all sentient beings from the cycle of rebirth. After struggling to meet the needs of so many, her head exploded into pieces. The buddha Amitābha gave her eleven heads to help her hear the cries of those who are suffering. Upon hearing these cries and comprehending them, Avalokiteśvara attempted to reach out to all those who needed aid, but her two arms also shattered. Once more, Amitābha came to her aid and granted her a thousand arms to let her reach out to those in need. The thousand armed deity is called Senju Kannon in Japan.
12.25" high
Cold Cast Bronze / Resin