Our latest Buddha statue is modeled after the famous and oft-replicated 44 foot tall Kamakura Daibutsu in Japan. This one stands nine inches tall, perfect for many home altars.
Made in the USA using metal bonded with resin.
9" tall x 7" wide x 5.5" deep at the base.
The Kamakura Daibutsu was originally housed inside a temple building after its casting in the 13th century. However, in the 14th and 15th centuries, the hall was repeatedly destroyed by typhoons, tsunami and earthquakes. So, in 1498, the statue's caretakers caved in to the inevitable and left the statue exposed to the elements.
This classic example of Amida Buddha can be found on the grounds of Kotoku-in, a temple belonging to the Jodo Sect of Buddhism. The Jodo are committed to the liberation of all beings, meaning the Great Buddha is there for all: saints and sinners, rich and poor, young and old. An equal opportunities Buddha, guiding all to the Pure Land.
We made slight adjustments to the design of our scaled down Buddha. Primarily, we gave him a "cosmic mudra," in keeping with the Zen school's recommended hand placement for zazen meditation.