by Philip B. Yampolsky
A fiery and intensely dynamic Zen teacher and artist, Hakuin (1685-1768) is credited with almost single-handedly revitalizing Japanese Zen after three hundred years of decline. As a teacher, he placed special emphasis on koan practice, inventing many new koans himself, including the famous "What is the sound of one hand clapping?"
As an artist, Hakuin used calligraphy and painting to create "visual Dharma"-teachings that powerfully express the nature of enlightenment. The text translated here offers an excellent introduction to the work of this extraordinary teacher. Never intrusive, Yampolsky's notes have been devoted to explicating key sources, terms, personages and places - which crop up in Hakuin's remarks. The translation is accompanied by a well informed, readable Introduction, giving insight into the background to Hakuin's career and writings. Yampolsky has provided a useful Appendix, listing Hakuin's main works.
An extensive bibliography details cognate Buddhist sources.
253 Pages, Paperback